Boyfriend Back

Want your boyfriend back? Discover the secrets to re-attracting your ex back into your arms!

Want Your Boyfriend Back?

Want your boyfriend back?  Getting dumped can be one of the most traumatic experiences ever.  The one you loved so dearly suddenly doesn’t want to be with you anymore and your feeling for him haven’t changed.  You want your boyfriend back and your willing to do what ever it takes to get him back in your arms again.

The 4 Things You Need to Know to Get Your Boyfriend Back

If you want to get your boyfriend back, you’re going to need to follow these four basic steps.

1.  Give Him Space

If you know anything about men, you know that they need their space.  Imagine the analogy of the waffles vs the spaghetti.  A woman’s mind is like spaghetti noodles.  Every thought is connected and interwoven together.  As women, we can focus on multiple things at once from taking care of work while dealing with issues in the home.  Unfortunately, men are not like this.  Their brain is like a waffle.  Everything in compartmentalized and kept separate from each other.  These fundamental difference date back to the cave-man era when we each had very different, but very specific roles to play in society in order to ensure our own survival. Women were gatherers in charge of collecting food such as fruit and berries, and caring for the family and community. Our job depended upon multitasking and networking. Men, on the other had, were the hunters. Being able concentrate intently on only one thing at a time became a necessity because of the mental focus it took to hunt down and kill food for survival. Women often complain that their man has a “one-track mind.” Well, yes, he does. But you can use this to your advantage. This means that when he is thinking about you, he is ONLY thinking about you. That said, when he is at work, he is thinking about work, and not what you all are going to do for dinner later. It is imparitive to both acknowledge and respect this difference between men and women. If you want to get your boyfriend back, you do need to give him space and respect his boundaries, but you also want to see him. Ask him when would be a good time for HIM for the two of you to sit down and talk, or grab a bite to eat. Know that if he is already engaged in another activity, ie at work, at an event, out with friends–he is focused on wherever he is at the moment and it will not be advantageous to communicate with him at that moment. Find a moment where you can meet up with him of schedule a phone call when his undivided attention will be on YOU…And when that happens…you’ll need the next three steps!!!  Watch this video to see more about this…

2.  Focus on Yourself.

Consider these two age-old words of wisdom: “It takes two to tango…” and “Rome did not fall in a day.” How do these apply to you? Well, when relationships end, it never entirely one persons fault, and they usually do not end for one simple reason. In order to move forward in your relationship with your ex, first you must revisit why things ended in the first place. People enter relationships for how the other make them feel, and they leave for the same reason. Take a look to see where your boyfriend was unhappy in your relationship together, and also where he was completely content. What worked? What didn’t work? How and where can you grow? Remember, the only person’s behavior you can effectively control and change is YOURS. Focus on you. While undoubtedly your boyfriend contributed to the demise of your relationship, try to focus on the areas you can improve on, not the areas he in which he needs to change. Personal development, maturity, and growth are contageous. Chances are if you work on yourself as a woman, when he comes back to you he will respect and admire the growth you have achieved. All men truly want is to make their woman happy. If you can bring a new level of self-awareness, honesty, and commitment to working through any issues the two of you may have with an open heart and mind, he will want to do the same. Take time to yourself to nourish your mind, body, and spirit. Acknowledge the areas in which you need to grow, set a goal, and work towards it so that when you do meet up with your ex, you will be the amazing, loving, self-developed woman we both know you are!

3.  Re-Attract Him

So you’ve completed the first step to getting your boyfriend back: You have found a time where you will have his full attention. You’ve taken time to reflect on what ended the relationship and how you would like to move forward as a person and partner. Now to win him back, you will need to wow him with all the aspects of your incredible self that won him over in the first place. Studies show time and time again that men AND women alike are most attracted to one thing: Confidence. Knowing that, when you meet up with your ex, naturally you will want to project a strong image of confidence and full self-awareness. But how do you feel confident when you are heart broken? When relationships end, as women it is hard not to focus on where we went wrong, what we could have done to cause the break-up, especially when you’re a woman who wants her boyfriend back in her arms! But there’s good news…No matter what the reasons for the break-up, it is completely possible to re-attract your man. Why? Because you attracted him in the first place! All you need to do is focus on what makes YOU the most wonderful woman in the world. Why was he attracted to you? Focus on these things and develop them further. Think about the times when he seemed most attracted to you–was it a way you touched him, words of encouragement you gave him, or perhaps an activity you shared? Think about the times you were both unbelievably happy. This will be a time when both of you experienced feeling completely loved by one another. How does your man express and receive love? Identify what it is that he needs to feel loved, and how you can create that for him.

4.  Keep Him for Good

Once you get your ex-boyfriend back, you want to keep him for good right? Hopefully along this process you’ve discovered what attracts both of you to one another. If you keep your focus on those areas you will have no problem making him all yours. You know why he is attracted to you and what he wants out of a partner. You’ve discovered how he gives and receives love and how to communicate that to him. A wise man once told me, “Every man really just wants two things: To be respected and admired by the woman he loves.” If you can figure out how to give your man those two things, he won’t ever want to leave, and you will both live happily ever after.

Take Action

The bottom line is this, the longer you wait to take action to get your boyfriend back, the more chance you have of losing him forever into the arms of another woman.  Do what you need to do to right now to get him back.  Click here to get started.

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